Boron and testosterone: does boron raise testosterone levels?

Boron is a trace mineral that has been gaining attention in recent years for its potential to boost testosterone levels. While some studies have shown promising results, the evidence is limited and the long-term safety of boron supplementation remains uncertain. As more people turn to supplements in search of quick fixes for their health concerns, it's important to take a closer look at the science behind these products and consider their potential risks as well as benefits. In this article, we'll explore what boron is, how it works in the body, and whether or not it's worth considering as a supplement for raising testosterone  levels in men.

Boron is found in varying concentrations in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts. Some of the best sources of boron include:

Boron can also be found in drinking water, with some regions having higher concentrations of boron than others. However, the amount of boron in water can vary widely depending on the source and treatment process. It's worth noting that the amount of boron in plants can also vary depending on the soil conditions in which they were grown. For this reason, in some cases it can be difficult to get consistent amounts of boron through dietary sources alone.

The amount of boron needed in the body is not known exactly but research suggests that most people get enough from their diet. Coffee, milk, apples, beans, and potatoes are the common sources of boron, amounting to 27% of consumption. Although the recommended daily intake is not established, an upper limit has been determined depending on age, gender, and condition. For adults, a daily intake of 20 milligrams is considered safe. However, most studies recommend starting with a lower dose of three to six milligrams daily.

How much does boron increase testosterone?

Boron citrate is a compound that is commonly used in supplements. The primary functions of boron citrate in supplements are to support and improve bone health, protect the prostate gland, and raise levels of testosterone in the body. Supplements containing boron citrate can be beneficial for those with osteoporosis, men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, and athletes or bodybuilders looking to increase their muscle mass by increasing their testosterone levels.

The degree to which boron increases testosterone again may vary depending on the study and individual factors. Some studies have shown that supplementing with boron can increase testosterone levels by up to 28%, while others have shown more modest increases or no significant changes. It is also worth noting that the recommended daily intake of boron is relatively low, with most adults requiring only 1-3 mg per day. While boron may have some potential as a testosterone booster, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on its own.

The most promising study on the effect of boron on testosterone levels is still relatively new, but some studies have suggested that there could be a correlation. One study from 2011 found a significant increase in testosterone levels in men who took 10 mg of boron for one week. Another study in 2015 found that boron supplementation increased levels of free testosterone, a type of testosterone that is readily available to the body.

The exact mechanism by which boron increases testosterone is not yet fully understood. However, some researchers believe that boron helps by reducing the levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG is a protein that binds to testosterone and makes it unavailable to the body. By reducing SHBG levels, more testosterone becomes available to the body to use.


Increased testosterone: Studies have shown that boron supplementation can lead to a significant increase in testosterone levels in men. For example, one study of male athletes found that taking 10mg of boron daily for a week resulted in an average increase of 28% in testosterone levels. Higher testosterone levels have been linked to increased muscle mass, improved bone density, and better sexual health.

 Improved athletic performance: Boron supplementation may help improve athletic performance by increasing muscle growth and strength. Research has shown that higher testosterone levels can lead to improved physical performance, including increased muscle mass and strength, as well as better endurance and power.

Better cognitive function: Some studies have suggested that boron may have a positive impact on cognitive function, including memory and attention. For example, one study found that supplementing with boron improved cognitive performance and mood in healthy older adults.

→ Aside from potentially increasing testosterone levels, there are other potential benefits of boron supplementation. Boron helps with arthritis by decreasing inflammation while maintaining healthy bones, reducing the symptoms of menopause and PMS, improving muscle strength, and supporting the immune response. Boron's anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties make it useful in preventing candida and yeast infections and eliminating digestive parasites. It also promotes cognitive function and memory, prevents signs of aging on the skin, and reduces allergic responses. These benefits suggest that boron has a wide range of applications in maintaining overall health.



Limited research: While boron has been shown to raise testosterone levels in some studies, more research is needed to fully understand its effects and possible long-term safety. Most research conducted on boron and testosterone has been on small samples of men, and only a few lasting weeks or months. It's not clear yet how safe it is to supplement with boron over the long term.

Side effects: Taking too much boron can cause side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and skin irritation. It's important to consume the recommended amount of boron to avoid these side effects.

 Interactions with other medications: Boron supplementation may interact with other medications, especially those that affect hormone levels. It's important to speak with a doctor before starting any supplementation regimen, especially if you're currently taking any medication.

Not a magic cure: While raising testosterone levels may have some benefits, it's important to remember that it's not a cure-all for all health issues. It's important to maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and take other steps to support overall health alongside any supplementation regimen. Boron supplementation may be beneficial, but it's not a magic cure.

→ While boron is essential to human health, too much of it can be harmful. The recommended daily dose for boron is 3 mg for adults. High doses of boron can lead to adverse effects, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and skin irritation. Furthermore, studies have shown that very high doses of boron can cause infertility, brain damage, and kidney damage in animals.

Boron and testosterone Conclusion

While some studies have shown that boron supplementation can increase testosterone levels in men, the evidence is limited and the long-term safety of supplementing with boron remains uncertain. In fact, there is a growing body of research suggesting that many supplements, including boron, may have limited effects on the body and may even be harmful in some cases. For example, while boron has been shown to raise testosterone levels in some studies, it is not clear how these effects compare to other supplements that are also known to raise testosterone levels, such as D-aspartic acid, ashwagandha, and fenugreek.

Other research has suggested that these supplements may be more effective at boosting testosterone levels than boron, while others have found no significant difference in the effects of these supplements. Furthermore, we need to be cautious about drawing any firm conclusions from the available research, as many of these studies have been conducted on small samples of men over short periods of time. The long-term effects of supplementing with boron or other substances on health and well-being are not well understood and may vary depending on a number of factors, such as age, health status, and lifestyle habits.

Given the uncertainty surrounding the use of boron for raising testosterone levels, it is important to approach any supplementation regimen with caution and to consult a healthcare professional before starting on any new supplement. It is also important to remember that supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle, including regular exercise, stress management, and good sleep hygiene. And as often as we state that in our articles and blogposts - it’s not any less true, so be sure to take it seriously!

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